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History of the

Central Ohio Chapter





 A Professional society for engineers involved in fire protection was organized in 1950 as the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.  The purpose of the Society is to advance the art and science of fire protection engineering and its allied fields, to maintain a high ethical standing among its members and to foster fire protection engineering education.  The Society services as an international clearinghouse for fire protection engineering state-of-the-are advances and information.





National SFPE members residing in Central Ohio in 1980 saw the need for a local chapter, since the only chapter in Ohio was the Northeast Chapter in Cleveland.  Despite their good intentions, a local chapter did not come into being at this time.


In 1982, the idea of a local SFPE chapter was brought forth once again by several persons working in the fire protection field.  One person in particular, Richard Weitzel, saw the need for a local chapter and made inquiry with the National SFPE on organizing a local chapter.  D. Peter Lund, CAE, Executive Director of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers responded with a geographical listing of national SFPE members in Central Ohio, a sample constitution, sample chapter formation material, and monthly mailings to chapter presidents.


The first organizational meeting was conducted by Richard Weitzel on July 12, 1982.  Ten interested persons attended this meeting and fire additional persons called to express interest but were unable to attend.  The census of those in attendance was to continue with efforts to organize a Central Ohio Chapter.  A second meeting was held on September 20, 1982, at the Chamber of Commerce Building.  Twenty-four concerned people attended the meeting and elected interim officers.  They were:


Richard Weitzel, President

Gerald Tulga, Vice President

Bruce Larcomb Secretary


To organize as an official chapter of SFPE, Mr. Peter Lund was requested, and attended, the next meeting on November 8, 1982, at the Ohio Fire Academy.  Mr. Lund spoke on organizing a local SFPE chapter.  The interim officers developed the first Constitution and Bylaws for the Central Ohio Chapter and presented it to all persons in attendance at the November, 1982 meeting.  Twenty-one members in attendance voted and accepted the Constitution and Bylaws.  The chapters assumed the status of an informal chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.  The first Nominating Committee presented their report for the 1983-84 chapter year.


The officers nominees were


Richard Weitzel, President

Gerald Tulga, Vice President

Bruce Larcomb, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer

William Ahrendt, Board of Directors

Norm Gatsch, Board of Directors


The report was seconded and passed by the members.


The Interim Chapter continued to meet on a by-monthly basis.  At the June 15, 1983, meeting, President Richard Weitzel announced that the Central Ohio Chapter had become the 39th Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.  On November 9, 1983, Maury Boulasis, past National President of SFPE, presented Chapter #39 plaque, to Richard Weitzel.  The Central Ohio Chapter was now an official chapter of SFPE!



List of Officers





Richard Weitzel, President

Gerald Tulga, Vice President

Bruce Larcomb, Secretary/Treasurer



Richard Weitzel, President

Gerald Tulga, Vice President

Bruce Larcomb, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Gerald Tulga, President

Bruce Larcomb, Vice President

Phil Gentile, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Bruce Larcomb, President

Phil Gentile, Vice President

Bob Elek, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Phil Gentile, President

Bob Elek, Vice President

Tom O’Connor, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Bob Elek, President

Tom O’Connor, Vice President

Kermit Ball, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Tom O’Connor, President

Kermit Ball, Vice President

Bill Smith, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Kermit Ball, President

Bill Smith, Vice President

Mickey Driggers, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Bill Smith, President

Mickey Driggers, Vice President

Deborah Ohler, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Mickey Driggers, President

Deborah Ohler, Vice President

James Beller, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Deborah Ohler, President & Vice President

James Beller, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Deborah Ohler, President

James Burton, Vice President

Joe Mayfield, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



James Burton, President

Mark Bowman, Vice President

Victoria Stec, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Mark Bowman, President

Phil Gentile, Vice President

Victoria Stec, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Phil Gentile, President

Jim Dimarzo, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Phil Gentile, President

Robert Barnett, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Carl Sellke, President

Mark Bowman, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Carl Sellke, President

Mark Bowman, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Mark Bowman, President

Dave Zink, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Dave Zink, President

Ryan Oyster, Vice President

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Ryan Oyster, President

Chad Miller, Vice President 

Sheryl Stahl, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Chad Miller, President 

Mike Lyons, Vice President 

Jen Haugh, Secretary 

John Falk, Treasurer 



Mike Lyons, President

Phil Sisia, Vice President 

Jen Haugh, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer 



Phil Sisia, President 

Bob Fischer, Vice President 

Jen Haugh, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer



Bob Fischer, President 

Cory Blair, Vice President

Bill Laing, Secretary

John Falk, Treasurer


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